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About MSPE

MSPE® has emerged as one of the leading mindfulness-based mental training programs for athletes and coaches, and includes:


  • 6 sessions rooted in the tradition of Jon Kabat-Zinn's mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), adapted to be unique and specific to athletic performers ​


  • Each session emphasizes learning, engaging, and practicing core mindfulness skills in ways that maximize their integration into practice, competition, and daily life â€‹


  • Exercises progress from sedentary practice to mindfulness in motion, culminating in applying MSPE techniques directly to sport-specific movements - for example, the running stride, golf putt, tennis serve, or soccer dribbling​


  • Guidelines are provided for building a daily practice, to help train the mind in the same dedicated way as the body


  • Content is easily customized to any sport or for groups representing multiple sports​​​


  • MSPE is designed to be administered in a group setting, but can also be used with an individual athlete or coach​


  • The program can also be adapted for other performers, such as musicians, actors, business leaders, and more



Over the past 15 years, our MSPE Institute team has built a program of research.  Perhaps most exciting among our findings are apparent links between MSPE training and flow, the state often associated with being "in the zone."  Our 2018 book proposes a model for this relationship, highlighting specific performance facilitators targeted in MSPE.


Contact us for more information about MSPE, or to learn how you and/or your team can register for a training.



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